If you are running a restaurant or any type of commercial kitchen space you have a make up air unit for your exhaust system. The exhaust system’s job is to pull smoke, grease, and other debris in the kitchen air out of the building, and the make-up air system’s job is to pull clean air from outside back inside the kitchen, replacing the dirty kitchen air with clear, fresh air from outside. On top of replacing the air, make-up air systems also help to balance air pressure within the restaurant and help regular internal temperature and humidity. 


While a make-up air unit is required, a tempered or heated make-up air unit is not. The purpose of the tempered or heated make-up air unit is to ‘pre-heat’ the outside air that is being pulled back into the restaurant. When the make-up air unit pulls the air from outside, it goes through a heating element that raises the air temperature before it hits the HVAC system. 


Not only does pre-heating the air being put back into the restaurant increase the comfort of customers by keeping the internal temperatures of your restaurant warmer during the cold winter months, but it also has the added benefit of allowing your HVAC system run more efficiently. Tempered make-up air units help the HVAC system more efficiently heat large volumes of air, preventing the system from overworking while warming down the air as well and allowing the HVAC...

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