1. When Should You Replace An Exhaust Hood Filter?

    When it comes to cleanliness, as well as safety, the exhaust hood is absolutely essential for any
    commercial kitchen. Exhaust hoods are responsible for preventing grease and other debris from
    dirtying up the kitchen, as well as helping to prevent fires. In order for the exhaust hood to
    properly do it’s job you need to properly maintain it, and one of the most overlooked
    preventative measures is replacing the exhaust hood filters.

    The tricky part about exhaust hood filters is that unlike your common AC filters, which you’re
    supposed to change every 30 days, there is no set schedule for when you should replace the
    hood filters. Typically technicians say to replace them every 6 - 8 months, but there are several
    factors that come into play in terms of timeframe between changing the filters. How much heat
    is the hood being exposed to? The more heat the unit is exposed to the more wear and tear on
    the filter which can cause it to break down sooner than 6 - 8 months. What material is your filter
    made out? Stainless steel filters are known to outlast aluminum or galvanized filters, and a
    heavy duty filter will almost always outlast a standard filter.

    If you are performing preventative maintenance regularly on your exhaust hood be sure to
    inspect the hood filter often. Look for signs of wear and damage which may prevent the filter
    from a tight fit in the opening , such as corrosion, dents, warping, and holes in the filter. If you
    notice damage you should consider replacem...

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  2. The Importance of Access Panels
    Whether it be a residential or commercial kitchen space, every kitchen is unique. Just as unique as the kitchen itself is the kitchen exhaust system. There are many variables that come into play when designing your exhaust system – space, frequ...

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  3. Grease Traps 101
    If you are running any sort of cooking operation you should already be aware of just how importan ...

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  4. HoodMart Exhaust Hood Lighting Guide
    Outfitting your commercial kitchen is a task as every kitchen is unique. Finding the right hood for your kitchen is already a task, and many people often forget that a crucial process ...

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  5. HoodMart Guide To Roof Curbs
    An exhaust hood roof curb may appear to be to be nothing more than a metal box that surrounds your rooftop exhaust sits on top of, however, it is important to point out that they serve a specific function for your upblast exhaust fan. Without a roof ...

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